Friday, November 14, 2014

A CHRIST-CENTERED CHRISTMAS by Emily Belle Freeman—#BookReview #amreading #ChristCenteredChristmasn

A CHRIST-CENTERED CHRISTMAS by Emily Belle Freeman. With Christmas around the corner (and really having begun in September which is when I found Christmas decorations popping up in stores) I find it a good reminder to take a look at the true meaning of Christmas. The hustle of the shopping, the craziness with parties, family, gifts, and the list goes on. It's very easy to forget the humble beginnings of the holiday. This book shows different ways to keep Christ in the center of Christmas. It talks about seven of the people involved in that first Christmas, what they represent and how we can utilize their examples to help us focus on the true meaning of Christmas. Emily shared experiences as well as what her family has done to shift their focus. I found several things that I could easily add to our family traditions as well as those that we are already doing. It is a great, easy read that will help you shift your focus back on Christ during this Christmas season.

:) :) :) :) :)

Deepen the spirit that fills your heart and home this holiday season when you discover the meaning behind seven gifts of Christmas, each celebrated with an invitation from the scriptures and a simple tradition.
Each gift is based on a figure in a Nativity set, and the traditions can easily be combined with things you already do. This year as you prepare your home for the season, resolve to prepare your heart in a way that will lead you closer to Christ.

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