Wednesday, March 3, 2010

FYI-great book deal

Product DetailsI just found out found out about a deal on an amazing book, Counting the Costs by Liz Adair. Right now it is Whitney Finalist and is being offered at a special price of $5 off the cover price AND is being offered to book clubs and people alike for a FREE download at this website This book is absolutely amazing. I loved it from beginning to end. Take a look at it and hey . . . who can beat a free download! Here's my review from when I read it last year.

A poignant love story. I couldn’t put it down yet at times I wanted to. It gave me more insight as to the customs of the West in the 1930’s and the sacrifices that were made by some because of their choices. I walked away wanting to make sure that everyone I care about truly knows how I feel about them. Life is short and you never know what is going to happen. I loved the story.

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