Thursday, October 31, 2013

ERASING TIME by CJ Hill--Book Review

ERASING TIME by CJ Hill a.k.a Janette Rallison. I loved this book. The word play that happened kept me on my toes and smiling through the whole thing. I loved the characters and got completely lost in the society of the future. There was a twist that I didn't see coming and I love it when that happens. I can recommend this book for just about everyone. There is a bit of violence that might not be appropriate for younger audience.

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When twins Sheridan and Taylor wake up 400 years in the future, they find a changed world: domed cities, no animals, and a language that’s so different, it barely sounds like English. And the worst news: They can’t go back home.
The twenty-fifth-century government transported the girls to their city hoping to find a famous scientist to help perfect a devastating new weapon. The mob-like Dakine fights against the government, and somehow Taylor and Sheridan find themselves in the middle. The only way to elude them all is to trust Echo, a guy with secrets of his own. The trio must put their faith in the unknown to make a harrowing escape into the wilds beyond the city.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

ECHO IN TIME by CJ Hill--Book Buzzin'

ECHO IN TIME by CJ Hill a.k.a Janette Rallison. Just finished the first book in this series and I can't wait for this one to come out in December. Take a look at my review of ERASING TIME on Thursday!

After being pulled 400 years into the future, twins Taylor and Sheridan have found some refuge from the government of Traventon, which used the dangerous Time Strainer to yank the girls from the past. Yet the threat of the dangerous technology still looms. Taylor and an ally, Joseph, are selected to go on a mission to destroy the time machine and weapon. But their actions before they do may have major consequences for the future and the past.

Saturday, October 26, 2013


In reviewing Lion’s short time with us, I realize that I have left so much out. It’s hard to include everything, especially when you’re trying to keep it to a certain length. Things will continue to pop up and memories will be shared, but I want you to know if you ever have any questions, please feel free to ask them and if I can, I’ll answer them. 

The week after Lion returned home was another experience in itself. Hubby called Hospice who called the mortuary. We called each member of our family and tearfully told them Lion had gone home. When the mortuary called, I was surprised by one of their questions and incredible impressed with how soft spoken and considerate each person was.

They asked if we wanted them to come get Lion’s body right away or if we wanted to wait until the morning. Thinking about it now, I can see how people would want more time, but at that moment we decided to have them come out. We took out his feeding tube, changed his diaper for the last time, wrapped him in a blanket, and carried him out to their van.

The gentleman who drove the van was incredible respectful. Hubby talked to him a little bit saying something to the effect that he could never do what the driver’s job. The gentleman’s response was something that we heard a few times again from the people that helped us at the mortuary. He said that he felt like this was his calling. He felt like this was what he was supposed to do to help comfort those in need. I have to say that those are special people.

After giving me a tender smile, he had me put Lion in a little Moses basket right up front, then he slowly drove away. Hubby and I then got in our car and drove to the temple. We sat in the parking lot and just talked. The only thing I really remember about the conversation was Hubby saying that he now knows what hell is like.

We both slept for the first time in over a week that night, although I had fallen asleep with a stuffed bear my good friend gave me. I woke up holding it, thinking that I help Lion in my arms. I was afraid to move fearing that I would accidentally knock Lion off the bed. I still have that happen some nights.

The following week was spent picking out a burial plot, planning a funeral, figuring out how to move forward, and all the other details associated with that. It felt like such a whirlwind, and all things considered it was. We went from expecting to have two children, to finding out we had one who would need extensive surgeries, to learning he had a terminal condition, to learning how to care for what I guess one would call a special needs child, to planning, and taking part in a funeral. That’s a lot to take in in a matter of eight days.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


SLAYERS: FRIENDS AND TRAITORS by CJ Hill. I'm so excited about this book that was released last week. Check out my review of book 1 and be sure to take a look at this one!

In C.J. Hill's action-packed sequel to Slayers, the group of teens known as Slayers have been betrayed—but they won’t give up without a fight.

Tori’s got a problem. She thought she’d have one more summer to train as a dragon Slayer, but time has run out. When Tori hears the horrifying sound of dragon eggs hatching, she knows the Slayers are in trouble. In less than a year, the dragons will be fully grown and completely lethal. The Slayers are well-prepared, but their group is still not complete, and Tori is determined to track down Ryker—the mysterious missing Slayer.
What Tori doesn’t bargain for, however, is the surprising truth about her powers. She isn’t just a Slayer, she’s part Dragon Lord, too. How can Tori fight to save her friends when half of her is programmed to protect dragons? And with a possible traitor in their midst, the Slayers will be divided in more ways than they ever imagined.

*Cover taken from author website. Back cover blurb from Barnes and Noble's website.

Saturday, October 19, 2013


I need to go back to the hospital really quick. There are two things I forgot. When the nurses told me Lion had a cleft lip and palate, before I even saw him, I have to admit that one of the first thoughts that ran through my head was worry about how he looked. I worried about how Tigger would react to seeing Lion. Having worked enough with young children, I knew that Tigger could very likely be afraid of Lion or shy away from him because of how he looked. The minute that thought crossed my mind though, I felt bad for even thinking it.

Tigger was able to see Lion for the first time that evening. (Lion was born at 2:41 a.m.) Family member brought him down and Hubby stayed with Lion in the nursery while I was in the hall with Tigger. Hubby held Lion up to the window with the help of his NICU nurse—who held all the tubbing and wires. Grandpa let Tigger stand on his knee I think it was.

I couldn’t see Tigger’s reaction, but both Hubby and Lion’s nurse that Tigger didn’t look scared or afraid. Instead, he looked incredibly worried and concerned for Lion. When I think about that now it brings tears to my eyes that Tigger’s heart was so touched by his brother.

Anyway, I felt like I should touch on those two things before I talk about the five, precious days we had together as a family. Of course the day we brought Lion home, it was freezing cold and raining. Someone said that the weather was such so that Lion could experience all that he could while he was here. I hadn’t thought of it that way, but it gave me a more positive spin on it.

We had a very quiet first day home. Hubby, Lion, and I ended up falling asleep together for a little while. We had Lion’s Hospice nurse come by, and while she was there we he stopped breathing a couple of times. I thought Lion was going to return home before we could get Tigger home with us. Thankfully, he stuck around. We got several good family pictures and moved forward.

I didn’t sleep hardly at all that night. I was afraid of waking up to find him gone. It was like that most of that week. However, we did fall into a routine. Our family was amazing in helping us have the time we needed to take care of Lion, while making sure Tigger had cousins to play with. We had a few nights with just Hubby, Lion and me, then when we felt we had figured out how to make things happen, we gave Tigger the choice sleeping at Grandma’s or coming home. He chose to sleep at home.

Some of my most precious moments happened in those two evening when we had everyone home. Tigger wanted to play with Hubby while I sat on the couch holding Lion. Tigger wanted to help in every way he could with Lion, and we let him to a certain extent. Tigger helped pick out the clothes Lion would wear and was fascinated with his hands. Things we going really well, minus the fact that I was always worried when he would stop breathing if he’d ever begin again. In fact, Lion’s Hospice nurse came on Thursday and said he was looking and doing wonderfully well.

Then it all went downhill. At Lion’s midnight feeding, he ended up throwing everything and then some up. From that point on, it sounds like he was choking on his own spit. We called everyone, and they all said there was nothing really to be done. We tried everything we could think of. He stopped breathing more frequently. The Hospice nurse came and spend several hours with us. The only thing she could say is that it was normal. He could do this for weeks or months. I was beside myself. The only thing we could do was continue forward.

Friday evening, we were getting Tigger ready for bed and I was feeding Lion when he stopped breathing. I waited and waited for him to take another breath. Thirty seconds turned into a minute which turned into two. Then three. The four. His little chest didn’t rise and I thought he was gone.

As I tried to keep things in check so I wouldn’t scare Tigger, I told Hubby I thought Lion had gone home when he took a shallow breath, then another. I called my parents and asked them to come get Tigger, wondering how much more I could handle. They immediately picked him up after he was able to give Lion a kiss on the head.

Hubby and I knew there wasn’t much time left with Lion. I wasn’t ready to let go. I didn’t want him to go. Somewhere deep down I knew that it was for the best, but I didn’t want to let go. So we did the only thing that we could do. I held him and rocked him while the both of us sung hymns and children’s hymns together. It was during that time that he returned home to his Father in Heaven. 

Confessions Of A Mom

I have to apologize. I've been thinking about this post all week, and I just realized that today is Saturday and I didn't get it posted. All I have are excuses, which I shouldn't try to make. What I will say is that the post will be up late tonight. Thanks for understanding, and again, I apologize. :)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

CONSIDER THE BLESSINGS by Thomas S Monson--Book Review

CONSIDER THE BLESSINGS by Thomas S Monson. This compliation of 50 true stories of how The Lord has a hand in our lives is by far one of my favorite reads. The stories, most of which I have heard at one point or another, are beautifully illustrated which enhanses the stories. I love how they are only a page or two making it easy to pull one out to share with my family or use in a lesson. Each one is uplifting and inspiring and helps me realize how much The Lord is in our lives. I will continually refer to this book as a reminder to look for the ways The Lord has guided my life.

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If you ask people what they love most about President Thomas S. Monson’s teaching style, chances are they’ll say something about the personal experiences he relates. The accounts President Monson shares are always true, taken from his own life or the real lives of other people. Those warm, memorable accounts have truly become a hallmark of his messages.
Who can forget the woman who saved one of the two sticks of gum Elder Monson passed out to youth in postwar Germany? Or the neighbor who returned a box of baseballs to young Tommy as a thank-you for his kindness to her? Or the father who declined to attend a “Mormon” meeting with his family but had his heart softened by a message he heard on a radio that was actually broken?
In celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of his call as an Apostle, Consider the Blessings presents fifty of the true accounts President Thomas S. Monson has shared over the years. With beautiful photographs and heart-touching content, this is a book to treasure with the whole family.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


The Ripple Effect Romance Novella Series 
I'm excited about this new series coming out next year. Take a look!

Enjoy this exciting new series of clean novellas by six critically-acclaimed authors.

"Like a pebble tossed into calm water, a simple act can ripple outward and have a far-reaching effect on those we meet, perhaps setting a life on a different course—one filled with excitement, adventure, and sometimes even love."

Book 1: Home Matters by Julie N. Ford
Book 2: Silver Linings by Kaylee Baldwin
Book 3: Righting A Wrong by Rachael Anderson
Book 4: Lost and Found by Karey White
Book 5: Second Chances 101 by Donna K. Weaver
Book 6: Immersed in Love by Jennifer Griffith

Home Matters by Julie N. Ford

According to her mother, Olivia Pembroke was born to be a star. But how is she supposed to be famous when she can't even get a decent acting gig? Her lucky break comes when she lands an audition for a wildly popular home improvement show. Even though she has no design training and has never even held a power tool, she refuses to let that stop her. She's confident that her destiny is finally within reach.

When her affections are torn between her heartthrob co-host and the irritating, yet somehow endearing lead contractor, does she continue to reach for the stars? Or does she design a new happily ever after? One that leads not to the fading lights of fame and fortune, but to a love that will burn forever.

Silver Linings by Kaylee Baldwin

Drew Westfall wants nothing more than to forget what he had to do in the name of "smart" business. Cutting off all ties with his parents—including handing over the entire contents of his trust fund to a charity—he takes off for Bridger, Colorado where his best friend has an extra room for him. It doesn't take long for him to realize that his business degree won’t do him much good in a town as small as Bridger, but he's broke and has nowhere else to go.

Eden Torresi has every reason to wallow. Not only did she lose her mother, but she had to drop out of nursing school and is in a relationship with a guy unwilling to commit. But Eden isn't the wallowing type. Instead, she chooses to spend most of her time taking care of the seniors at Silver Linings Nursing home. When she learns that her boyfriend's new roommate is down on his luck, her caring nature makes her want to reach out to him and offer what help she can. But the more time they spend together, the more complicated things get, especially when the seniors of Silver Linings decide to play matchmaker.

Righting a Wrong by Rachael Anderson

Seven years ago, Cambri Blaine fled her small hometown of Bridger, Colorado after her senior year ended in a fiasco. Only Jace Sutton knew the real reason why—that she was a spineless coward. Now, seven years later, her father's been in an accident and needs help, and Cambr has no choice but to return home. So with trepidation, she takes a leave of absence from the landscape architecture firm where she works and boards a plane, hoping against hope that Jace is no longer around and that the past can stay where it belongs—in the past.

If only life worked that way.

Jace never expected to see Cambri again. After she’d led him on, bruised his heart, and left town without a backward glance, he was forced to pick up the pieces and try not to hate her for it. Eventually, he put it behind him and moved on, creating a life for himself in his beloved hometown. But now that Cambri is back and looking more beautiful and sophisticated than ever, some of those old feelings resurface, and Jake instinctively knows, for the sake of his heart, that he needs to avoid her at all costs.

If only it were that easy.

Lost and Found by Karey White

Lydia was supposed to have an adventurous and exciting summer. Instead she's done nothing more than read and eat takeout. Now it's time to go home, and what does she have to show for it? A big fat nothing. Unless, of course, her trip to the airport somehow turns into something more than just a flight home.

Blake feels like he's been sent on a wild goose chase. While work is piling up back in Denver, he's on the other side of the country, hunting for some mysterious box that his grandfather left him. Well, no more. Nothing inside that box could possibly be more important than the opportunity to make it as the youngest partner at his firm. So he's going home, and that's that. But that's before he discovers his flight has been cancelled.

When these two strangers meet at the airport, they make a split-second decision to search for the box together. Maybe with both of them on the hunt, Lydia can have her adventure and Blake can find the box. And maybe, if they’re lucky, they’ll even find some romance.

Second Chances 101 by Donna K. Weaver

Thirty seven year old Francie Davis, a recent widow and empty nester, gets to attend college at last. She’s sure her luck has changed when she also lands a job on campus that will pay her tuition, as administrative assistant to a history professor. When her handsome new boss yells at her on the first day of work, Francie worries she will never be good enough.

For Professor Alex Diederik, life is going downhill fast. Not only is his bitter ex-wife trying to poison their only daughter against him, but now his one place of solace—his work environment—is being complicated by his attractive new administrative assistant. She drives home his feelings of failure as a husband and father, and Alex wonders if hiring her was the right thing to do.

Francie will have to put aside her hurt and insecurities or risk her dreams, while Alex must look outside himself if he’s to mend the breach with his daughter. And, perhaps, find someone who can help heal his pain.

Immersed in Love by Jennifer Griffith

Lisette Pannebaker speaks five languages and has a brilliant business plan—personal language immersion. Clients can hire her to shadow them and speak all day in any language they need to learn for business or travel—whatever.

But there’s a major hitch: she’s far too pretty. Clients with less than honorable intentions sign up just have Lisette at their side. Solution? A make-under. Way under.It works like a charm. None of her male clients show her the least bit of interest.

Until… Erik.

Erik Gunnarsson is charming, kind, and smart—everything she’s ever looked for. Even though he seems to have a secret and she swore she'd never date a client, Lisette is tempted to shed her disguise—even if it means jeopardizing her career.

Giveaway Details
$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 10/31/13

Bloggers who put up a spotlight post about these books on their blog can enter to win an additional $25 gift card or paypal cash.  See details in the Rafflecopter.

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Confessions Of A Mom

One thing I forgot to mention last week. In addition to not gaining weight the last month, we also had low embryonic fluid. My OB kept a very close eye on us, and when he said that Lion would do better in the outside world rather than in, we were scheduled for an induction.

Once Lion slipped into the world, the nurse said, “Did you know your baby has a cleft lip and palate?” I shook my head, feeling very . . . I’m not sure of the word. Dazed comes to mind, but that doesn’t quite describe the feeling. (At this point, I had been awake for almost 24 hours. Not to mention labor and delivery.) I waited and waited to here Lion cry. My heart pounded as I worried. It took longer than I would have liked, but Lion finally cried. 

The nurses took him over to their little table to take his measurements. Then they left him there. His little arms and legs were moving. He was crying, and my heart was breaking. I wanted to tell Hubby to get over there, but I could tell he was feeling as confused or dazed or whatever the word is as I was. Later Hubby said he was extremely worried about Lion.

Finally, they wrapped Lion up and placed him in my arms. He turned his little head and looked right at me as if to say, “I’m here, Mom.” Those who know newborns know that that doesn’t happen. They don’t/can’t really focus on anything that young, but there was no question he was looking at me.

What a precious child I held in my arms. A child I didn’t know how to care for. So, while rubbing his forehead I began to ask questions of how to feed and take care of him. I honestly don’t remember the answer, but it didn’t take the nurses long to take him back and admitted him into the NICU. (I didn’t know that’s what they had done. Hubby was there when they admitted him for low blood sugar. I didn’t find out for a few more hours.)

Hubby and I then got a couple hours of sleep before they had me move from labor and delivery to recovery. Within another two hours, the doctors and specialists began coming in. We were told that in addition to the cleft lip and palate, Lion’s heart was on the wrong side and he was tachypnea or rapid breathing. We had a pediatric doctor come tell us what they thought was going on, meaning the possibility of trisomy 13 or 18 but they wouldn’t know for sure until blood work was done and that his heart was on the correct side, just way up in the corner making it seem like it was on the wrong side.

While waiting for the test results to come back, we met with a pediatric plastic surgeon to go over the process of repairing the cleft lip and palate, a speech pathologist to help us learn how to feed Lion in the interim, there was an ECHO of his heart taken, and a brain scan. Then once the results came back positive for trisomy 13, the doctors came for different reasons. What our options were for surgeries if Lion decided to stick around for a while. The do not resuscitate order. Life expectancy. Whether or not we’d like Hospice to become involved, etc. etc.

We made the decision to take Lion home. We stayed for in the hospital for four days—
  1. birth & not knowing
  2. knowing the results and making decisions
  3. watching and learning how to care for Lion (changing a feeding tube, how to use a feeding machine, what to watch for in his breathing, i.e. what to do if he turns a grayish-blue which he did, monitoring oxygen levels, etc)
  4. caring for him on our own with the NICU nurses across the hall

In that time, we gathered the family that was in town and gave Lion a name and a blessing in the hospital. What a sweet moment that was. Then we got ready to go home.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Confessions of a mom

Having internet difficulties. My post is ready to go but I can't copy it over because my IPad is picking up the internet & my computer isn't. Gotta love it! I'll have it up hopefully tomorrow evening or Sunday. Thanks for understanding. :)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

EMMA: A LATTER-DAY TALE by Rebecca Jamison--book review

EMMA A LATTER-DAY TALE by Rebecca H Jamison. This book was a fun read. I thought I had things figured out, but it turned out a bit differently than expected. The characters were fun and easy to relate to. Emma made me laugh and roll my eyes. I loved seeing how she figured out her life. I would recommend this for anyone who loves a good, romantic read. Check out the first chapter here and my interview with Rebecca, here.

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NOT Looking for Love: Single woman (23) seeks best friend to chat on the phone, shop the clearance racks, watch chick flicks, try out messy cooking projects, and eat Dove dark chocolates.

Emma isn’t so good at the whole life-coaching thing. Her first client ended up with a broken heart and is threatening to relapse in her bad habits. Now Emma has problems of her own to deal with, and all those problems start with one name: Justin.

Justin is her best friend, so it’s hard for Emma not to feel betrayed when she suspects he is falling for her childhood rival. And she knows she’s losing him despite her best efforts. No matter how much she tries, she keeps running up against obstacles. How is she supposed to help other people when she’s drowning in her own failures?

Fans of Jane Austen’s Emma will love this modern retelling of the classic romance novel. Fall in love with Emma’s latter-day tale of redemption, forgiveness, and the quest for true love.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A BARGAINED FOR BRIDE by Marcia --book buzzin'

a bargained
A Bargained-For Bride by Marcia Lynn McClure (Novella) Excerpt “You’re the sweetest girl in Mourning Dove Creek, you know?” Jack mumbled as he paused in kissing Jilly a moment. Jilly smiled. “And you’re the handsomest man in Mourning Dove Creek, you know,” she flirted in return. Jack smiled. “I do know,” he said. Jilly giggled. Jack Taylor was so predictable—and a little conceited. He really did think he was the handsomest man in Mourning Dove—and he was, for the most part. Secretly, however, if Jilly ever allowed herself to be completely honest about it (which she tried to avoid), there was one other man in Mourning Dove who always crossed her mind when the subject of the handsomest man in town arose. Yet there was no lingering on thinking of that man—no sirree! Not for a moment! Not for any reason—ever. And so Jilly just kept telling Jack that he was the handsomest man in Mourning Dove Creek. Besides, it was almost true—being that the other man lived outside of town and not right in town the way Jack did

marciaAuthor Marcia Lynn McClure Marcia Lynn McClure’s intoxicating succession of novels, novellas, and e-books, has established her as one of the most favored and engaging authors of true romance. Her unprecedented forte in weaving captivating stories of western, medieval, regency, and contemporary amour void of brusque intimacy has earned her the title “The Queen of Kissing.” Marcia, who was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, has spent her life intrigued with people, history, love, and romance. A wife, mother, grandmother, family historian, poet, and author, Marcia Lynn McClure spins her tales of splendor for the sake of offering respite through the beauty, mirth, and delight of a worthwhile and wonderful story.  

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BookBlast Giveaway $50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 11/8/13 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. a Rafflecopter giveaway

bargained tour

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Confession Of A Mom

The last couple of weeks, I’ve been reliving the few days we had Lion at home with us and his return home. Not that I would or could change anything but I think it’s normal to ask questions. Is there something I missed? Could I have done things differently? Did I do the best that I could? What if . . . Although, that’s a very dangerous question.

So, to truly understand where and how my brain has made some conclusions, it’s time to write Lion’s whole story. I’m not going to be able to tell it all in one shot. It would be too long of a post, but over the next few weeks his story will come out as well as some of the other things running through my head in relation to Tigger and Lion and life.

Lion was born with trisomy 13 also known as Patau Syndrome. Once people hear that, it seems the next question is, “Did you know?” In our case, we did not which I’m learning is rare. Most babies with trisomy 13 or 18 are diagnosed in utero. If they make it to birth, the mortality rate is very high within the first few hours or so. The more I learn the more I know what a miracle it was that we were able to take Lion home. 

Now, I’m not a researcher. That’s not how I deal with things. There is still a lot I don’t know about trisomy 13 other than it’s a chromosomal disorder. Hubby on the other hand is. He would be able to give a lot more details than I can, but that’s not really important right now. At the moment I feel I need to address the question that’s usually asked. “You didn’t know?” meaning, in my opinion, how could you not know. 

I had a very normal pregnancy with Lion. There was really no indication that anything was wrong. Apparently there’s a test that was offered and we turned it down. That’s supposed to happen with every pregnancy but I honestly don’t remember being offered the test.

We never saw his cleft lip or palate because after we found out we were having a boy, we never saw his face again. Lion preferred to keep his face tucked away. Funny thing is, the last time we did see his face, I remember my OB saying Lion didn’t appear to be Downs (which is another form of trisomy). 

The only indication that anything was amiss was the last month, Lion stopped gaining weight. The last couple of weeks, I remember him not moving as much either. It worried me, but the doctor didn’t seem overly concerned so I put it aside, only I knew it was time for him to come soon. We were then scheduled for an induction in the early part of February.

Those who have had inductions know that there is a possibility that you won’t get in at the time you’re scheduled because the hospital didn’t have room. That turned out to be our case that day. We were scheduled for 9 a.m. and didn’t get in until almost 6 p.m. The longer we waited the more anxious I became because I knew Lion needed to get here. He wasn’t moving like he had and that scared me. Thankfully, we got in that day. If we hadn’t, I would have lied. Hubby would have taken me to the hospital and I would have told them I stopped feeling the baby move.

It took awhile for things to get started, but once they did, my labor was short in comparison to Tigger (pushing hard for over two hours compared to pushing twice). That’s when all the fun and learning began.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

EVERTASTER by Adam Glendon Sidwell--Book Review

EVERTASTER by Adam Glendon Sidwell. This delicious book had my mouth drooling from the very beginning. I loved the descriptions of all the different food involved. Guster was a great character that had my stomach aching for a taste of something good. The family was wonderful, the places even more tastey. This book is for anyone who eats any type of fun. It's a great, fun read for all ages. Just beware, after you read it, you'll be very hungry! I can't wait for the next installment. :)

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When eleven year-old Guster Johnsonville rejects his mother's casserole for the umpteenth time, she takes him into the city of New Orleans to find him something to eat. There, in a dark, abandoned corner of the city, they meet a dying pastry maker who tells them of a legendary recipe called the Gastronomy of Peace -- a recipe created hundreds of years ago, shrouded in secrecy, sought after by connoisseurs everywhere and rumored to be so delicious that whoever tastes it will never want to eat anything else again.

Guster thinks this might be just what he needs -- until the ruthless Gastronimatii, a cult of armed and sinister chefs -- attack the Johnsonvilles. Guster, his sister Mariah, his mother Mabel, and his two brothers are forced to flee for their lives and set out across the world in search of the One Recipe’s ingredients. On an adventure that will take them to ancient ruins, magical beasts, faraway jungles and forgotten caves, the Johnsonvilles must unravel the mystery behind the One Recipe and discover that it will do so much more than satisfy Guster's cravings forever -- it is destined to change humanity.

*Cover taken from author's website. Back cover blurb taken from Purchased the book from the author. It did not effect my review.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

ROCKY ROAD by Josi S Kilpack--Book Review

Rocky Road
ROCKY ROAD by Josi S Kilpack. I love Sadie. The trouble she gets herself into is so much fun and she always ends up with the best food. ROCKY ROAD is no different. The setting of Southern Utah is beautiful. The mystery sucks you in, and the food sounds great. I can't wait to try out the recipes. This book is a wonderful read that I can recommend to any and everyone.

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Rocky Road It was supposed to be a girls’ weekend in scenic St. George, Utah that would include shopping, trying out the local cuisine, and participating in a breast cancer fundraiser. The fact that one of the organizers of the fundraising event, a local doctor, disappeared two months ago was not supposed to be Sadie’s problem. In fact, she refuses to participate in the grassroots investigation her friend Caro, and Caro’s cousin, Tess, have put together prior to her arrival. But then she meets the ex-wife of the missing doctor. How could she not ask a few questions . . . that lead to a few more questions . . . that lead to a small town and yet even more questions. Before she knows it, Sadie is in the middle of yet another murder investigation and trying to piece together a convoluted trail of good intentions, hidden motivations, and philanthropy turned big business.

Author Josi S. Kilpack Born and raised in Salt Lake City Utah, I met my husband in high-school--well, he wasn't my husband then, just the cute guy in weight training with the permed mullet--and we married in 1993. I wrote my first book while on bed rest with my third child and have gone on to publish 20 novels, the most recent being part of The Sadie Hoffmiller Culinary Mystery Series. I currently live in Willard, Utah with my husband, children, and cat.  

Culinary Mysteries by Josi Kilpack

culinary mysteries

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rocky road

*A review copy was provided, but did not effect my review.