Thursday, July 23, 2020


PIONEERING THE VOTE by Neylan McBaine.  What a fascinating topic. I had no idea that the women in the west were forerunners in the suffrage movement. The background gave me pause to think things through in a different point of view. I loved all the information that was given and the story it laid out. I struggled with the format of the book. It began with a story from Emmeline's point of view and went to a "looking back" section that filled in the historical aspect of what was happening. Then it went back to the story, but sometimes the story was only a paragraph or two. There were also biographies of different women (amazing women that I loved to learn about) put in the middle of both the "looking back" and story sections. It took me almost four chapters to wrap my head around how the book was structured. Of course, it's my opinion and others may not have the issues I did in reading it. I'd love to know what you think.

:) :) :) :

In 1895, Utah's leading suffragist, Emmeline B. Wells, welcomed her friends Susan B. Anthony and Reverend Anna Howard Shaw to a gathering of more than 8,000 people from around the nation at the Rocky Mountain Suffrage Convention. They were there to celebrate the suffrage movement's recent wins and strategize their next triumphs. Pioneering the Vote tells the remarkable, largely unknown story of the early suffrage victories that happened in states and territories in the American West. With the encouragement of the Eastern leaders, women from Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, and Idaho came together in a unique moment of friendship and unified purpose to secure the vote for women in America.

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