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Tuesday, July 17, 2018


THE MATCHMAKER'S MATCH by Brittany Larsen. This was a fun read. I enjoyed the flower shop and Liza and Parker's relationship. The plot is wonderful and the setting is beautiful. I had a hard time with Liza though. By the end of the book I honestly didn't believe that she could be or that a person would be that clueless to things going on around her and, more so what her words and behavior did to other people. To me, I would think someone would have at least some idea of how words can hurt, especially face to face. I could be wrong. She was too niave.

:) :) :)

 Eliza Woodhouse has everything a girl could want: a delightful little beachside flower shop, a loving family, and the best friend a girl could ask for. And while she suffers a chronic lack of romance in her own life, the bohemian beauty is a self-proclaimed matchmaker extraordinaire, as evidenced by her recent successes. Having found a fiancĂ© for her sister and a boyfriend for her best friend, she is now taking her lovelorn new employee under her wing. Yes, life is working out quite nicely for Eliza. Until Parker Knightley walks back into her life. After three years in Hong Kong, Parker is in town for his brother’s upcoming wedding to Eliza’s sister. They’ve all known each other their whole lives, and Eliza will never be anything but Little Liza Belle to her handsome childhood tormenter. So the fact that their siblings are getting married simply puts Parker one step closer to becoming the big brother he and Eliza have always joked about him being. But the more time they spend together, the more confused Eliza’s feelings become. Because she has come to the shocking realization that the role of brother is the last role she wants Parker to play in her life . . .

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