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Saturday, June 14, 2014


Thank you to all the men in my life.

Thank you to my father who raised me to be a daughter of God, to follow my dreams, to love and appreciate the beauty of music, and who put up with me when I swore I knew what was right and he didn't. :) I love him, appreciate, and am very grateful for his continual influence in my life and my family's life.

Thank you to my Hubby who loves and supports me, who goes to work everyday and provides for our family, who knows when to put food in front of me, who does the little things that make me smile. I will forever be grateful for his love, example, and the strenghth he brings to our family.

Thank you to a kind, loving Heavenly Father for the sacrifice of His son. Thank you an elder brother, Jesus Christ, who was willing to make that sacrifice.

We are all blessed to have wonderful men in our lives. Be sure to remind/share with them how you feel.


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