My Pages

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Book Reviews and Such

It's been quite a week or two. Last week, my computer died . . . again. So we ended up with a new computer. Then my car decided to get sick. Two trips to the repair shop later, it's feeling better and we're beginning to think a new car will be added to the family by the end of next year. (We're trying to coax another 30,000 miles out of it to reach 200,000. Think we'll make it?) Needless to say, last week was an expensive week.

On the upside, I had the opportunity of going to an ANWA (American Night Writer's Association) writing retreat. I met so many wonderful ladies, many of which I knew from online but have never met face-to-face before, attended fabulous classes and best of all got new books. The only downside to that is I have library books that are coming close to being due and a book I borrowed from my sister-in-law forever ago that I love, it's just taking me sometime to get through, that I need to finish. Sigh. It'll get done soon.

I will be sharing tidbits from the classes I attended at the retreat on a later date. Today there are some book reviews I wanted to post. One of which is in the middle of a blog tour this week.

The first is Courting Miss Lancaster by Sarah M. Eden. What a delightful read. It captured my interest on the first page and I couldn't put it down. I loved the whit and humor throughout the book. I loved the sweet story line and the writing was beautifully done. It had me laughing out loud, which is quite an accomplis
hment since I don't remember the last time a book has done that for me. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a good, well-written, wond
erful story. I'm looking forward to what Sarah comes out with next.

Two--Chocolate Roses by Joan Sowards. This Jane Eyre parody is delightful. Now, I have to admit that I haven't read Jane Eyre so it wasn't exactly what I was expecting, but wonderful still the same. It's a love story with a little mystery and intrigue thrown in. I would recommend this book to anyone. Joan's in the middle of a blog tour with many chances to win her wonderful book. Here are some of the places she's headed. Take a look!

August 3rd

August 4th

August 5th

August 6th


  1. Great books! Sarah Eden is as funny in really life as her books. She gets it from her parents. Both are great. But beware your SIL. She is quite a meanie. Enjoy spending money. It's only going to increase when the next addition to the family arrives :-)
    Love ya!

  2. Did you say you went to Knight Rider retreat?

  3. I love your picture.
    take care,
